Your Contribution to God’s Mission and Ministry at Grace Meadow Fellowship

At Grace Meadow Fellowship we believe in contributing to God’s kingdom includes our prayers, our presence in the life of the church, our service for God, our witness for Christ, and the use of our gifts both financial and non-financial for God’s glory. We seek to steward financial contributions with great care seeking that they have the greatest impact they can to propel us forward in mission as we seek to to lead people to the saving grace of Jesus the Christ.


Today I am committing to Give to grace Meadow Fellowship

Our giving is a way that we recognize all good gifts come from God. Both using our giving of our finances through donations and giving of our other gifts help equip the church to accomplish its mission.


Today I am committing to pray for grace Meadow Fellowship.

Prayer is how we communicate to God. By praying you open yourself to seeing how God desires for your to be part of God’s work in this congregation.

Today I am committing to be Present at grace Meadow Fellowship

Your presence in the life of the church is an opportunity to connect to other people while recognizing God’s position in our hearts and lives. By committing to be in worship and opportunities to connect you bring your presence and all who you are to God’s community which is a gift in itself.

Today I am committing to serve through grace Meadow Fellowship

Serving through the Church continues in the ministry of Jesus the Christ. Our service allows the world to see that Jesus is alive in our hearts and lives and drawing us closer to him.

Today I am committing to be a witness for Christ through grace Meadow Fellowship

How we share with the world who Jesus is to us is important. Christ is counting on us to bear witness to his love and grace.